Join The Taste Test Team & Get Free Products Monthly
We need your input. We want your feedback. We would love a review!
Shipping on Taste Test Team orders is $8.50. Free Shipping on orders over $100!
Please input your email and/or phone number. Both say optional, but we need at least 1 to be able to contact you.
SMS LIST gets first access to all new products and then they are added to our E-MAIL LIST Catalogue. So make sure to sign up for both.
E-MAIL LIST gets 50% off select products & SMS LIST gets 75% off select products. Sign Up for both for all the deals!
Taste Test Team members earn free product by giving us feedback on flavor and effect you earn credit that can be used on the PhytoFamily main website.
The Taste Test Team has been instrumental into PhytoFamily's product development process. We are so excited to have you as a part of our process.

About PhytoFamily
PhytoFamily was started in 2015 by a small group of terpene and cannabinoid enthusiasts. We started purifying cannabinoids via a process called flash chromatography in 2016. During this process, we relied heavily on our “Beta Group” to tell us how they liked the products we were making with this technology. It was a brand new frontier and no one had ever implemented this technology at that scale before.
For the last 8 years, we have been focused on bringing you the best-tasting flavors alongside these unique cannabinoid blends. We made the decision to rename the “Beta Group” to the Taste Test Team to reflect the future of our mission. In 2024 we will be bringing you even more flavors and functional cannabinoid blends. We want you to join the team and help us perfect each release.
Thank You to everyone who participated in the “Beta Group,” and welcome to the Taste Test Team!
Taste Test Team Products
Help us develop our product line further. Here are a few questions we have for you.

Our THCA Flower is cured with the same methods we learned in 20 years of growing medical marijuana. Would you like to see 3-6 months aged flower?

Our gummies are flavor forward and full of your favorite cannabinoids. What flavor should we create next?

We create our vapes with the effects in mind. Blending functional Terpenes and Minor Cannabinoids creates unique profiles that aren't available anywhere else. What Flavors and effects would you like to see next?

We have been creating strain-specific terpene drops with blends of cannabinoids to complement them. What strain would you like to see next?
PhytoFamily's Mission
PhytoFamily has been bringing functional cannabinoids to the world in platforms that taste delicious and feel fantastic for over 8 years.
We setup our first farm with the intention of lowering the price of CBD Isolate, and the mission has expanded from there. Chromatographically purified cannabinoids, Live Resin, Rosin Drops, and CBN vapes are a few of the products we have pioneered in the industry.
Now we want to know; What do you think we should do in 2024?

Email vs SMS

PhytoFamily Products
Once your account is activated, you will receive deep discounts on Taste Test Team catalog of products. In return, we ask for your feedback and testimonials to improve the product formulation, descriptions, and customer experience for everyone!
Join The Taste Test Team & Get Free Products Monthly
We need your input. We want your feedback. We would love a review!
Shipping on Taste Test Team orders is $8.50. Free Shipping on orders over $100!
Please input your email and/or phone number. Both say optional, but we need at least 1 to be able to contact you.